Center for Nonviolent Solutions Annual Meeting
Tuesday, May 16, 7:00PM
Blessed Sacrament Church, Phelan Center
551 Pleasant Street, Worcester
CNVS Program Director Claire Schaeffer-Duffy will speak on her recent trip to Ukraine with the Zaporizhzhia Protection Project, an innovative peace initiative that seeks to support the International Atomic Energy Agency’s efforts to establish a no-fire zone around a nuclear power plant in the crossfire of war.
As Russian and Ukrainian troops geared up for a spring offensive, Claire and her colleagues met with ordinary Ukrainians and asked them about non-military means for preventing catastrophe at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. To employ nonviolent strategies in the heat of war may seem wildly ambitious, but this is the mission of the ZPP. Come learn about it.
The evening will also include light refreshments, an opportunity to meet our partner organizations, and music from, the talented singer songwriter Joe Boover. A Worcester native singer, Joe currently lives between Worcester, NYC and Dublin working as a musician, actor and writer. He also occasionally works in schools as a Therapeutic Crisis Intervention consultant.
After three years of convening virtually, we would love to see you in person. Please join us and take hope from hearing about the good efforts, small and large, to build a culture of peace. To help us prepare for our gathering, please do RSVP .