The Digital Activity Center at Peace First, a Boston-based organization, provides a gamut of resources for peace education. Very teacher friendly and free!
The United States Institute of Peace’s glossary of terms for conflict management and peacebuilding.
Conflict analysis – the ability to identify the root causes of a conflict – is a fundamental skill for peace-building. Nothing helps kids learn this skill more quickly than role play. Acting out someone else’s conflict builds empathy as well as critical competency. Some schools in Australia have SCRAM a mediation competition that is very similar to our mock trial program. Materials for the program are free online and include lots of role plays that are relevant to teens. Try having your class role play and nonviolently resolve a conflict. You might be surprised at the insights and compassion of your students.
The Summer Institute on Kingian Nonviolence offered at the Univ. of RI Center for Nonviolence and Peace.
198 methods of nonviolent action from the Albert Einstein Institution. A more in-depth look at each can be found in volume two of Gene Sharp’s The Politics of Nonviolent Action.