News & Events
2023 Annual Meeting
Center for Nonviolent Solutions Annual Meeting Tuesday, May 16, 7:00PM Blessed Sacrament Church, Phelan Center 551 Pleasant Street, Worcester CNVS Program Director Claire Schaeffer-Duffy will speak on her recent trip to Ukraine with the Zaporizhzhia Protection...
Afterschool Youth Peace Education
We are pleased to be working in our second 15-week session of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant at Sullivan Middle School (Sullivan). The program runs every Wednesday from 3:30-5:30 with about 50 students at Sullivan, and through...
Andrew Bacevich
An Evening with Andrew Bacevich Historian Andrew J. Bacevich discusses his latest book and his efforts to reconceptualize US foreign policy to better serve both vital American interests and the broader shared interest of creating a more just and peaceful world. 7:00...
Annual Meeting
Center for Nonviolent Solutions Annual Meeting Tuesday, March 30th at 7:00 PM (Register Here) The evening includes a brief review of our 2020 programs and a presentation by Paula Green and Gwen Johnson on Hands Across the Hills: US Dialogues in an Era of Polarization...
At The River I Stand
A Screening of "At the River I Stand" Tuesday, January 18 7:00 p.m -Register Here- Please join us the screening of "At the River I Stand", a documentary about the costs and possibilities of nonviolent struggle. This film reconstructs the two eventful months in 1968...
Civil Rights Readings
Join the Center for Nonviolent solutions for "We Grow Into Courage." Wednesday, April 12, 5:30-7:00 pm Saxe Room - Worcester Public Library 3 Salem Square, Worcester The civil rights readings are excerpted from Hands on the Freedom Plow: Personal Accounts...
Claremont Academy Featured in Worcester T&G
A recent news article from the T&G discuses the success of restorative justice in two Worcester schools. Our peer mediation program helps to contribute to the success at Claremont Academy. Please check out the...
Cries from Every Corner: Fund Healthcare, Housing, Jobs – Eliminate Nuclear Weapons
Stand-out Noon to 1:00 p.m. September 26, 2020 – UN International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons Lincoln Square Worcester, MA 01610 Join us in this intersectional event demanding elimination of nuclear weapons and the release of billions of federal...
Critical History of Race
Thursday, February 17 7:00 p.m -Register Here- An award-winning school teacher and an award-winning multimedia artist team up to create an innovative digital platform for teaching the critical history of race in America. Join us for their presentation next week....
Fall Training 2016
On September 27th and October 4th, the Center hosted a 2 part Introductory Training in Peace Education. Participants were able to learn about mindfulness, youth peace builders, the conflict escalator, the CLEAR model and other activities to look at resolve...
Make 2020 a Year for Youth
The Center for Nonviolent Solutions applauds Time magazine’s recent decision to name youth climate activist Greta Thunberg as Person of the Year. The magazine’s cover photo appeared the day after International Human Rights Day when the UN declared their campaign,...
Meeting of Peace and Justice
A statewide meeting of Massachusetts peace and justice groups convened on Saturday, February 3, at First Unitarian Church in Worcester. More than 50 people attended the collaborative gathering, including Center board members Paul Ropp and Christine Johnson...
Michael True’s new memoir available this holiday season
True Commitments, Michael True’s long-awaited memoir is out! Just in time for your holiday gift giving. A professor of literature, author, peace scholar, and committed father, Michael was an irrepressible advocate of nonviolence. Throughout his life, he wrote of poets...
NEYM Educator Training
On Saturday, October 24th, we provided nonviolence education training to about ten New England Yearly Meeting (Quaker) youth educators. It was a wonderful opportunity to discuss the many dynamics of working with youth and how to best foster emotional...
Nonviolent Policing
Is Nonviolent Policing Possible? Charles Alphin Sr. a retired police captain and veteran trainer in Kingian Nonviolence thinks so. Join us for an engaging evening on nonviolence and policing. Wednesday, February 24 – 7:00 p.m. Discussion and Q&A to follow. Event...
Peacemaking in Perilous Times
The Center's event called Peacemaking in Perilous Times held on Friday, September 15 was a success. Here's a photo of our beautiful staff at the reception at First Unitarian Church.
Peer Mediation at Claremont Academy
On August 25 and 26, seventeen high school students from Claremont Academy gave up their last days of summer vacation to participate in a two-day training in peer mediation, with instructor Karen Thomsen. The training, which took place at Clark University,...
Peer Mediation Launch
Peer mediation kicked off at Claremont Academy on Thursday, October 19 with some fun roleplay activities and a Q&A with our peer mediators!
Planning Ahead
Amidst summer's beauty, members of the Center's Board of Directors and staff came together to reflect and plan future initiatives. Although not everyone was able to attend, this visionary and pragmatic group discussed the past year's operations and...
Solidarity Rally
The Center for Nonviolent Solutions helped to support Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Worcester on January 31st. The rally was held at town hall to show support for Worcester's refugees and immigrants.