‪(774) 312-7851‬ inquiry@nonviolentsolutions.org

Our Blog

2023 Annual Meeting

Center for Nonviolent Solutions Annual Meeting Tuesday, May 16, 7:00PM Blessed Sacrament Church, Phelan Center 551 Pleasant Street, Worcester CNVS Program Director Claire Schaeffer-Duffy will speak on her recent trip to Ukraine with the Zaporizhzhia Protection...

Afterschool Youth Peace Education

We are pleased to be working in our second 15-week session of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant at Sullivan Middle School (Sullivan). The program runs every Wednesday from 3:30-5:30 with about 50 students at Sullivan, and through...

An Autumn of Peacebuilding

The office is abuzz these days with the creative energy of our new staff. In late June, we bade a fond farewell to Jennifer Smead, our former director of finances and then interim executive director. In August, we hired Dan Margolis as our education...

Andrew Bacevich

An Evening with Andrew Bacevich Historian Andrew J. Bacevich discusses his latest book and his efforts to reconceptualize US foreign policy to better serve both vital American interests and the broader shared interest of creating a more just and peaceful world. 7:00...

Annual Meeting

Please join us for the Center's Annual Meeting, March 8th from 5:30-7:00pm, Saxe Room at the Worcester Public Library. Our informal meeting will include an update on the Center's progress this year. We will share with you new programs that have been...

Annual Meeting

Center for Nonviolent Solutions Annual Meeting Tuesday, March 30th at 7:00 PM (Register Here) The evening includes a brief review of our 2020 programs and a presentation by Paula Green and Gwen Johnson on Hands Across the Hills: US Dialogues in an Era of Polarization...

At The River I Stand

A Screening of "At the River I Stand" Tuesday, January 18 7:00 p.m    -Register Here- Please join us the screening of "At the River I Stand", a documentary about the costs and possibilities of nonviolent struggle. This film reconstructs the two eventful months in 1968...

Brian Leonard Reflects on Social Justice Happy Hour

Here's a report from Brian Leonard, who shared with us at the October 19th Social Justice Happy Hour his experiment with peace practices in his public school classroom: About 15-20 people attended the Social Justice Forum at the Sahara Restaurant, which offered the...

Center Conducts First Staff Training

On Tuesday, June 19, the Center completed a four-session training with staff at Straight Ahead Ministries, a faith-based organization that works with formerly incarcerated youth, some of whom are gang affiliated. This was our first staff training with an...

Center Trains New Cohort of Peer Mediators

A new school year has begun, and with it new opportunities for resolving conflicts nonviolently. Students at Claremont Academy will be ready. In the final days of summer, eight rising sophomores attended the Center’s ten-hour training in peer mediation in...

Civil Rights Readings

Join the Center for Nonviolent solutions for "We Grow Into Courage." Wednesday, April 12, 5:30-7:00 pm Saxe Room - Worcester Public Library 3 Salem Square, Worcester The civil rights readings are excerpted from Hands on the Freedom Plow: Personal Accounts...

Claremont Academy Featured in Worcester T&G

A recent news article from the T&G discuses the success of restorative justice in two Worcester schools. Our peer mediation program helps to contribute to the success at Claremont Academy. Please check out the...

CNVS Statement on U.S. Mass Shootings

As board members and staff at the Center for Nonviolent Solutions, we abhor the mass shootings that have now plagued our country for two decades. We have a violence problem in the United States and it is exacerbated by guns. Even a partial list of recent...

Community Peacemaker Award

This year our award goes to David McMahon and Colleen Hilferty, co-directors of Dismas House a residential program for newly released prisoners. Colleen had more than 20 years experience in the development of programs and services engaging low income and...

Critical History of Race

Thursday, February 17 7:00 p.m    -Register Here- An award-winning school teacher and an award-winning multimedia artist team up to create an innovative digital platform for teaching the critical history of race in America. Join us for their presentation next week....

Cultivating Nonviolence event

On March 22nd, the Center held its annual meeting event, Cultivating Nonviolence: A Celebration of Peace Education in our Schools and Neighborhoods. Attendees enjoyed some beautiful music by Neighborhood Strings, a program of the Worcester Chamber Music...

Do Men Need Masculinity, Positive or Otherwise?

Ethan Hoffman, doctoral student of clinical psychology at Clark University, speaks on how men and boys can be more prosocial, and less aggressive, in resolving conflicts. Thursday, February 15 5:30-7:00 p.m. Sahara Restaurant 143 Highland Street,...

Don’t Hate! Peer Mediate!

CNVS Education Coordinator Claire Schaeffer-Duffy speaks on the joys and challenges of running a high school peer mediation. Come learn how kids can play an important role in creating a culture of peace within their school. Discussion to follow. Lots of...

Empowering Our Youth with Kingian Nonviolence

Join us for the first Social Justice Happy Hour of 2018. Thursday, January 18 5:30-7:00 p.m. Sahara Restaurant  143 Highland Street, Worcester, MA Appetizers are on us. So come get inspired and network with other peace educators. Background: Mr. Robert T....

Everyday Strategies for Building Peace in the New Year

On New Year's Eve, eight Worcester leaders reflected on strategies for building peace in 2017 at Community Voices of Peace, a First Night program held at the First Unitarian Church in Worcester.  It was a wonderful way to begin the new year. The evening's...

Fall Training 2016

On September 27th and October 4th, the Center hosted a 2 part Introductory Training in Peace Education. Participants were able to learn about mindfulness, youth peace builders, the conflict escalator, the CLEAR model and other activities to look at resolve...

Fall Update

Late September and early October were busy times at the Center. On September 26 and October 3, staff members met with Clark University Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) students working at Claremont Academy and gave brief presentations on peace education....


There are not enough days in February for honoring the contributions of African Americans to our country’s history. You could fill up months just noting achievements in the creative disciplines, literature, art, and music, not to mention accomplishments in math,...