Our Blog
Forgiveness as a Way to Peace in the Classroom?
Worcester public school teacher Brian Leonard speaks on his experiment with reconciliation and other peace practices in his classroom of middle school students. Thursday, October 19 5:30-7:00 p.m. Sahara Restaurant 143 Highland Street, Worcester, MA 01609 Appetizers...
Goods for Gun Program
Dr.Hirsh a supporter of the Center for Nonviolent Solutions had the annual Goods for Guns program on December 10th. Goods for Guns allows community members to bring in guns for gift cards. The event collected over 250 guns in hopes of decreasing gun...
Happy Holidays
Many thanks to everyone who responded so generously to our year-end appeal. We appreciate your gift and knowing of your interest in our mission to promote a culture of peace. With 2017 just around the corner, we anticipate the work to come - developing our...
Help build a culture of peace in Worcester
“There is so much hate and so much violence in this country,” lamented a dear friend in the wake of the Orlando massacre. I understood his reaction. Perhaps you have felt similarly. And yet, I am unexpectedly optimistic despite these heart-breaking times...
In Solidarity with Amazon’s Workers
Yesterday we made a post encouraging you to shop on Amazon today during Prime Day to benefit CNVS, ignorant of the workers' strike and the global boycott. We stand in solidarity with the workers, and if you can afford to, we encourage you to avoid shopping on Amazon...
International Exchange Essential for Mutual Understanding
“International educational exchange is the most significant current project designed to continue the process of humanizing mankind [humankind] to the point, we would hope, that men[and women] can learn to live in peace-eventually even to cooperate in...
Make 2020 a Year for Youth
The Center for Nonviolent Solutions applauds Time magazine’s recent decision to name youth climate activist Greta Thunberg as Person of the Year. The magazine’s cover photo appeared the day after International Human Rights Day when the UN declared their campaign,...
March Report
March has been a demanding and energizing time for the Center. It began with our Annual Meeting on March 8th. David McMahonand Colleen Hilferty, recipients of the our 2016 Community Peacemaker Award, spoke of their fine work at Dismas House and Dismas Farm...
Meeting of Peace and Justice
A statewide meeting of Massachusetts peace and justice groups convened on Saturday, February 3, at First Unitarian Church in Worcester. More than 50 people attended the collaborative gathering, including Center board members Paul Ropp and Christine Johnson...
Michael True’s new memoir available this holiday season
True Commitments, Michael True’s long-awaited memoir is out! Just in time for your holiday gift giving. A professor of literature, author, peace scholar, and committed father, Michael was an irrepressible advocate of nonviolence. Throughout his life, he wrote of poets...
NEYM Educator Training
On Saturday, October 24th, we provided nonviolence education training to about ten New England Yearly Meeting (Quaker) youth educators. It was a wonderful opportunity to discuss the many dynamics of working with youth and how to best foster emotional...
Nonviolent Policing
Is Nonviolent Policing Possible? Charles Alphin Sr. a retired police captain and veteran trainer in Kingian Nonviolence thinks so. Join us for an engaging evening on nonviolence and policing. Wednesday, February 24 – 7:00 p.m. Discussion and Q&A to follow. Event...
Peacemaking in Perilous Times
The Center's event called Peacemaking in Perilous Times held on Friday, September 15 was a success. Here's a photo of our beautiful staff at the reception at First Unitarian Church.
Peer Mediation at Claremont Academy
On August 25 and 26, seventeen high school students from Claremont Academy gave up their last days of summer vacation to participate in a two-day training in peer mediation, with instructor Karen Thomsen. The training, which took place at Clark University,...
Peer Mediation Launch
Peer mediation kicked off at Claremont Academy on Thursday, October 19 with some fun roleplay activities and a Q&A with our peer mediators!
Planning Ahead
Amidst summer's beauty, members of the Center's Board of Directors and staff came together to reflect and plan future initiatives. Although not everyone was able to attend, this visionary and pragmatic group discussed the past year's operations and...
Remembering Dr. Richard Seder
The Center for Nonviolent Solutions mourns the passing of longtime friend and supporter, Dr. Richard Seder, who was tireless in his work to build trust and harmony between Israelis and Palestinians. His obituary is available at this...
Remembering Gene Sharp
Re-posted from David Cortright: Gene Sharp, the pioneering and prolific scholar of Gandhian nonviolence and civil resistance, passed away this week at age 90. His life was dedicated to examining the ways in which nonviolent action achieves political change. While...
Remembering our Nonviolent History
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. About...
Remembering Paul Ropp
Dear Friends and Supporters; Those of you who live in Worcester will perhaps have learned by now that Paul Ropp, founding member and former Chair of the Board of Directors at the Center for Nonviolent Solutions died April 14 of metastatic melanoma. His rapid demise...
Remembering Pete Seeger in Song
Folk singer Jim Scott will hold a Pete Seeger Songfest to benefit the Center for Nonviolent Solutions 7:00 PM Sunday November 6, in the sanctuary of the First Unitarian Church, 90 Main Street, Worcester, MA. Composer/guitarist Jim Scott, who knew Pete well...
Robert T. Jones Talks on Kingian Nonviolence at Claremont Academy
On a snowy Tuesday in February, high school students at Claremont Academy listened with interest as Mr. Robert T. Jones spoke about his migration from tough Bronx kid to teacher of Kingian nonviolence. The Associate Director of Multicultural Education at the College...
School Committee Honors Claremont’s Peer Mediators
Six high school students from Claremont Academy received certificates of honor from Mayor Joseph Petty on September 7 during the Worcester School Committee meeting at the City Council. The students were recognized for learning and implementing the skills...
Social Justice Happy Hour
Our Social Justice Happy Hour, originally scheduled for Thursday May 25, has been re-scheduled for Thursday, June 1. Massachusetts State Senator Harriette L. Chandler will speak about her bill promoting instruction in civics in our public...