‪(774) 312-7851‬ inquiry@nonviolentsolutions.org

Center Trains New Cohort of Peer Mediators

A new school year has begun, and with it new opportunities for resolving conflicts nonviolently. Students at Claremont Academy will be ready. In the final days of summer, eight rising sophomores attended the Center’s ten-hour training in peer mediation in anticipation...

Civil Rights Readings

Join the Center for Nonviolent solutions for “We Grow Into Courage.” Wednesday, April 12, 5:30-7:00 pm Saxe Room – Worcester Public Library 3 Salem Square, Worcester The civil rights readings are excerpted from Hands on the Freedom Plow: Personal...

Claremont Academy Featured in Worcester T&G

A recent news article from the T&G discuses the success of restorative justice in two Worcester schools. Our peer mediation program helps to contribute to the success at Claremont Academy. Please check out the...

CNVS Statement on U.S. Mass Shootings

As board members and staff at the Center for Nonviolent Solutions, we abhor the mass shootings that have now plagued our country for two decades. We have a violence problem in the United States and it is exacerbated by guns. Even a partial list of recent American mass...

Community Peacemaker Award

This year our award goes to David McMahon and Colleen Hilferty, co-directors of Dismas House a residential program for newly released prisoners. Colleen had more than 20 years experience in the development of programs and services engaging low income and homeless...